关键词:次贷危机 风险管理 启示
Abstract: The subprime crisis has swept through global economies and financial systems like a devastating earthquake(a credit quake, as it is sometimes called in Europe) or tsunami(financial tsunami, as it is commonly known in Asian). No one is spared. There is only a difference in the magnitude of the impact being felt in different regions. There have been many analyses on the subject since the crisis broke in late 2007. However, they have insufficiencies that this essay seeks to fill, including, most crucially, a lack of integrated analysis on the subprime crisis from the Chinese perspective, misunderstanding about the Chinese aspects of the subprime crisis, erroneous views on the nature of the crisis.There are many lessons that can be drawn from the subprime crisis, but they have not been systematically addressed, perhaps because everyone has been busy ‘fighting the fire’. There are also significant implication fronts in the post-crisis era. China certainly has a lot to learn.
Key word: subprime crisis risk management inspiration