摘要: 网上银行具有传统银行无可比拟的优势,因此在我国的发展非常迅速。但是,纵观我国网上银行现状会发现我国的网上银行存在发展问题。文章以此为出发点,以我国农业银行为例,对网上银行进行了简要的概述,重点分析了农业银行网上银行的发展现状,剖析发展中存在的问题,针对问题提出发展策略和建议,以使农业银行网上银行更加健康的发展。
关键词:网上银行 中国农业银行 发展现状 发展策略
Abstract: Online bank develops rapidly recently due to its uncomparable advantage to conventional bank .However, the presence of the development problems can be discovered throughout the current situation of the online bank.Based on the situation,in this paper,taking ABC (Agricultural Bank of China)as an example,a brief overview of the online bank is presented,focusing on the developing situation of ABC,and the problems existing in the development are analyzed,aiming at which some developing strategies and suggestions are proposed so that the online bank of ABC will develop more healthily.
Keywords: Online bank; Agricultural Bank of China; current situation of the development; strategy of development