摘要: 本文以路路发物流公司为研究对象,对该公司的物流配送现状做出了分析。针对路路发物流公司的物流配送问题进行了深入的探究,认为该公司存在物流配送技术装备落后,信息化、集成化管理水平较低,较低的物流配送市场化程度,物流配送基础薄弱形式单一等问题。最后,针对上述问题提出了优化路路发物流公司物流配送方案的思路及建议,其主要包括建立高效的供应链信息交互系统、提高物流配送的市场化程度、增强物流配送的基础设施和物流配送的标准化程度。
关键词:路路发物流公司 物流配送 优化
Abstract: In this paper, Lulufa logistics companies for the study, the company's logistics and distribution situation analysis made. Lulufa logistics companies for logistics and distribution issues in-depth inquiry, that the company exists logistics backward technology and equipment, information technology, integrated management level is low, a low degree of market logistics and distribution, logistics and distribution base is weak form single other issues. Finally, to address the problem raised optimized Lulufa logistics company logistics solutions for ideas and suggestions, which mainly include the establishment of efficient supply chain information exchange system to improve logistics and distribution market-oriented, and enhance the logistics infrastructure and logistics degree of standardization.
Keywords: Lulufa logistics company; logistics; optimization