摘 要:物流配送是家电连锁经营的基础和保障,配送能力的强弱直接决定着连锁企业经营成本的高低,同时也影响着企业赢利的能力。选择合乎自身特点的行之有效的物流配送模式是家电连锁企业急需解决的问题之一。本文阐述了连锁企业和物流配送的相关理论,在对我国家电连锁企业所采取的一般配送模式分析的基础上,探讨适合我国大型家电连锁企业采取的物流配送模式是自建和外包相结合的配送方式,并对苏宁电器的配送模式与成功之处进行了分析,探讨了苏宁电器物流配送存在的问题,包括配送中心设施薄弱、配送专业人才短缺、外包物流服务监控能力不够、配送员工素质不高等问题,并提出了相应的具有可行性的建议。
Abstract:Logistics is the basis and guarantee of home appliance chain management, the strength of the distribution capabilities directly determines the level of chain enterprises operating costs, and the ability to affect corporate profitability.In line with its own characteristics of effective logistics mode is one of the urgent problems of the home appliance chain enterprises.This paper describes the chain of business and logistics related theory, the basis of the analysis of the general distribution pattern of China's home appliance chain enterprises taken to explore the logistics mode is suited to China's large home appliance chain enterprises to adopt the combination of self and outsourcing distribution methods, the distribution model of success and Suning instance of Suning logistics problems in to include weak distribution center facilities, distribution of a shortage of professionals, outsourcing logistics service monitoring capability is not enough, distribution staff not high, and the feasible recommendations.
Keywords:Logistics and distribution; appliance chain enterprises; logistics management; Suning