摘要: 本文通过分析扬州市物流人才的供需情况,学历构成和技术构成现状,阐述了物流产业面临的物流人才特别是高层物流人才缺乏、物流技术人员偏少、物流从业人员文化程度偏低问题并分析了其原因。从前期培养和后期发展角度提出了校企结合、改善物流市场环境、职业培训和加强从业后的继续教育的对策。
关键字:物流人才 人才培养 员工培训
Abstract: In this paper, through the analysis of the current Yangzhou City logistics personnel supply and demand situation, Educational Level and technical status quo of the logistics industry is facing the logistics talent, especially the lack of high-level logistics personnel, logistics and technical personnel less than normal, logistics practitioners low level of educationand analysis of its causes. School-enterprise integration, improve the logistics market environment, vocational training and strengthen the Continuing Education of practitioners from pre-training and post-development perspective.
Keyword: Logistics Personnel; Personnel Training; Staff Training