ABSTRACT:Financial statements of enterprise to are key financial information that provided by companies, connected with the government, investors, creditors and other users of financial statements . But now, corporate financial statements whitewash phenomenon is widespread whether domestic or abroad. Whitewash over the company's financial statements cover the real financial position and operating results,and inaccurate or untrue information were conveyed to the users of financial statements. However, government regulators and the community supervision have their limitations, like the whitewash financial statements can not be promptly identified and prevention, and because of information asymmetry and users are subject to the restrictions of expertise, Statement users compared with statement disclosing party is in a very bad position, users will often be mislead by the whitewashed financial statements, thereby make wrong judgments and incorrect decisions, and eventually suffer losses. These aspects are not conducive to a market economy healthy and orderly development. How to effectively identify and respond to the financial statements whitewash becomes necessary.
China is in a period of rapid development, the market is undeveloped, and various factors such as the system is not perfect, so the phenomenon of increasingly serious whitewash financial statements, therefore this article mainly from the present situation of the financial statements whitewash,discusses the social economic foundation and internal and external motivation which caused the financial statements whitewash, analysis of company financial statements whitewash the common method and type, discusses how to identify financial statements whitewash phenomenon. And on this basis, proposed how to effectively guard against financial statements whitewash suggestions respectively for management, corporate governance structure, relevant statutory and regulatory regime.
Keywords: Financial Statements, whitewash behaviour, identification method, prevent strategy .