ABSTRACT:With the continuous development of Market Economy and the enlargement of the Scale Of Enterprises, many Enterprises realize the Transformation of Governance Mode and the detailed division labor of Social, in such a large environment, Occupation Managers the new management will emerge as the times require. Family Doctrine transition to Manager Doctrine is not only a history of the world trend, but also an internal demand is the contemporary Entrepreneurs.
Based on the summary of previous studies, from the subjective needs, Family Enterprise to improve governance needs, cultural change is needed and the need of sustainable development of several aspects analysis the importance of perfecting our country's Occupation Manager Market, and summarizes the development in present stage our country Occupation Manager Market exist some obstacles, namely legal system and management system is not perfect, enterprises and managers of two-way choice is lack of good environmental, managers responsibility is not clearly defined and daily management of loose and managers lack of literacy. These obstacles, this paper from the State, the Family Business, Occupation Managers three angles proposed perfecting Occupation Manager legal system and rationalize the management system, construction enterprise and managers for the two-way choice of good environment, clear management responsibility, strengthen the daily management of Occupation Managers, improve the executive ability and occupation accomplishment of specific measures, hope for the enterprises is like a Family, implement the "family" management mode of enterprise introduction of Occupation Managers to provide a more perfect Occupation Manager Market.
Keywords:Occupation Managers in the Family Business, Occupation, Manager Market, Importance, Path