摘要:汇款,托收以及信用证是国际贸易中最基本的三种结算方式。而信用证作为国际贸易中最主要的结算方式,为推动国际贸易的发展起到了至关重要的作用。 随着我国加入世贸组织,国际贸易快速发展,国与国之间的交易量也越来越大,国内金融市场也逐步开放,而信用证作为主要的进出口贸易支付方式之一,也被进出口贸易企业越来越广泛的运用于国际贸易之中,但是,伴随而来的信用证诈骗风险也将越来越高。信用证诈骗风险一旦发生,不仅给受害者造成巨大的经济损失,而且还会妨碍国际贸易和金融管理的正常秩序。最近几年来信用证诈骗案件的屡屡发生是由于信用证自身存在的缺陷性造成的,而且,信用证诈骗案件具有法律适用性、跨国性、程序复杂、费用较高等特点,加上信用证业务的复杂性也加重了信用证诈骗金融监管难度。
ABSTRACT:There are three basic international settlement ways in the international trade: remittance, collection and credit. And the most important international trade settlement is the credit which heavily promotes the development of the international trade. Meanwhile, with the join in the WTO, the international trade develops quickly, the trading volume among countries become more and more, and the domestic finance market gradually opens to others. But the credit, as the main settlement way of imports and exports, is widely used into the international trade by the enterprises. Then potential risks of credit fraud also greatly increase the risk in the credit business, which not only causes huge economic loss to the victim, but also impedes the order of the international trade and finance management. Due to the defects of the credit caused the recent credit fraud cases continue to occur. And credit fraud, involving international jurisdiction applicability of the complexity of the procedure, the higher cost, coupled with the credit business complexity, increases the difficulty of the financial supervision.
What we should do to effectively prevent fraud of credit to protect the international activities. The paper collects some views on the case of letters of credit on the basis of full comparative analysis and analyses the trading company in China, as well as the letter of credit in the way banks are facing fraud, then puts forward some appropriate preventive measures. However due to the continuous development of society as well as a variety of fresh means of an endless technology stream, we need to constantly sum up experience in the practical application. So this is a constant learning process.
Keywords: L/C Fraud; soft clause; harm;prevent