摘 要:网上购物是一种新兴并迅速发展的购物方式,由于网上消费方便、快捷等特点,使得这种购物方式特别被消费者青睐,越来越多的人享受足不出户带来的购物快乐。但是,网络的虚拟性给网上购物带来了许多危险性和不确定因素。我国现行法律对网购消费者的保护还很弱。对于在网上消费出现的问题,消费者往往无所应从。针对网上购物的特点和其凸显的问题,应颁布和制定相应的政策和法律给予网上购物的消费者保护。
关键词:网购 消费者 消费者权益保护
Abstract:Shopping online has become one of the newest and fastest development styles of buying stuff. More and more people love it because of its convenience of payment pattern, which you don’t have to go out to buy things you need. However, the virtual world that internet offers us some opportunities to face the dangerous and uncertain situation. There is also lack of law protection for those customers who do on-line shopping. Facing the trouble that online shopping has brought, consumers seems have no ways to tackle .there is a need to constitute and issue a policy and articles of law to keep the online shopper from infringement.
Key Words:Online shopping Consumer Protection of consumer’s right and interest