摘 要:在当今社会里,对于道德,价值的标准越来越高,人们对于精神层面的追求也逐渐增强,所以,公益广告就成了近年来倡导社会风尚的主要舆论工具。本文通过“公益广告效果的影响因素”进行分析,对目前公益广告的传播现状进行深入调查和了解。该论文第一部分对公益广告的基础理论进行介绍,其中包括公益广告的概念、特性、公益广告传播的概念。第二部分和第三部分分别从创意表现和传播过程两个方面来说明公益广告效果的影响因素。在创意表现里,包括创意、表现形式、文案创作、音效运用几个方面。传播过程中涉及传播媒介的选择、投放量、投放时段及投放频率、受众分析三个方面。
关键词:公益广告 影响因素 效果
Abstract:In today's society, for moral, the value standard more and more high, people for spiritual pursue also strengthen gradually, so, welfare advertisement in recent years has become the main advocate social fashion public opinion tool. This article through the "welfare advertisement effect factors" carries on the analysis of the current situation of the public service ads spread further investigation and understanding. The first part of this paper to public welfare advertisement of basic theory are introduced, including welfare advertisement the concept, characteristics, public welfare advertisement dissemination concept. The second part and the third part respectively from the creative expression related elements and the communication process two aspects to illustrate the influence factors of public welfare advertisement effect. In creative expression related elements, including creative, manifestation, the document creations, sound use several ways. The process of transmission involves the media selection, data, on time and on the frequency, the audience analysis in three aspects.
Key words: public service ads influence factors effect