Abstract:This paper studies the rapid economic development of the moment, advertising has become an indispensable part of people's lives. Throughout the development of domestic and international advertising, product placement has become the hottest new ways and in different media, both have good performance. Product placement as a new thing for the development of advertising to bring fresh impetus, but inevitably there are some drawbacks because new students and shortcomings. Micro-film as a new form of media because of its inherent strengths and product placement has a high fit. And on more than one micro-film, product placement have a remarkable performance. Implantable advertising as a relatively new advertising approach, we study how its application in micro-film, and then analyzes its existing strengths and weaknesses of the current situation on product placement analysis, and through implantable Advertising on micro-film application process appears dilemma analysis, draw some conclusions, and embedded advertising inadequacies make constructive comments and suggestions. Thus its future prospects, trying to find a suitable product placement farther better new ideas to solve the current problems.
Keywords: product placement; micro-film; new media