摘 要:随着西部大开发战略的娈施.西部地区的少数民族经济在高速前进。借助经济的高速发展,西部旅游业开发也进入加速阶段。西部地区拥有绚丽多彩的自然风光,拥有着五彩斑斓的少数民族文化。这些都是一笔相当丰富的旅游资源,具有相当可贵的旅游开发价值,本文就是研究怎样去开发少数民族村寨旅游资源的同时怎么去保护自然环境和少数民族文化。不能以牺牲环境与民俗文化的代价来博取微不足道的利益,环境与民俗文化都是不可再生资源,我们要以科学发展观来指导旅游资源的开发。我们必须走可持续发展的生态旅游之路。拥有绚丽多彩的自然风景和独特民俗文化的凉山彝族自治州是国家级旅游景区,其旅游市场具有很大的潜力,上升的空间还很大,但是从凉山彝族自治州开始开发旅游业以来,五彩凉山这个品牌没有被广泛的推广,在国内还没有知名度,本文针对四川凉山彝族自治州的旅游开发与保护的问题进行系统分析。指出民族地区旅游开发的薄弱点,从将目前散乱的旅游业转型为系统的旅游业,加强科学管理,走可持续发展。
Abstract:With the strong effect of Western development strategy. Minority economy in western region is moving in high speed. Thanks to the rapid development of the economy, tourism development in West China also entered the acceleratting phase. Western area has gorgeous natural scenery and the colorful minority cultures. All of these are pretty rich tourism resource with a very valuable development values.This article is on how to develop tourism resources in minority villages and how to protect the natural environment and ethnic culture. Costs cannot be made of the environment and heritage to win the paltry interest, environment and heritage are all non-renewable resources, we are taking the concept of scientific development to guide the development of tourism resources. We have to take the road of sustainable development of eco-tourism. With colorful of natural landscape and unique folk culture of Liangshan Yi Prefecture is national tourism scenic, its tourism market is large of potential, space of rise is still large.But since Liangshan Yi Prefecture began development tourism, this multicolored Liangshan brand has not been widely promoted with no visibility in domestic , this article provides system analysis for Sichuan Liangshan Yi Prefecture of tourism development and protection of problems.:pointing out the weak points of tourism development in national regions, transition from the currently fragmented tourism to the system tourism, strengthen scientific management and carry out sustainable development.
Keywords: tourism;eco-travel;national culture;stem of tourism industry;sustainable development