摘 要:核心竞争力作为一种在企业在竞争环境中起到重要理论支持和实践指导意义的概念,如今得到了各国企业和学术界的重视。目前,经济全球化正在给各国企业的发展带来源源不断的发展动力,同时也让企业面临着更大的竞争。任何企业想要在激烈的市场竞争中获得发展机遇和竞争优势,就必须不断的进行反思总结,进而找出自身的优劣势,不断地培育和完善企业的核心竞争力,进而在激烈的竞争环境中实现基业长青。随着我国改革开放加深和国际化水平提高,民营企业将进入新的发展阶段。本人将结合我国民营企业中的华为公司案例,为使我国民营企业在激烈的国际竞争者扬长避短,形成自身的核心竞争力提供一定的参考。首先要采用SWOT研究方法对华为公司在外部环境与自身技术资源和能力等方面分析,进而对华为在品牌、市场、管理、竞争政策以及华为在战略方面的把控和完善等方面进行分析,从而得出我国民营企业在核心竞争力方面可以借鉴的内容。最后本文将由华为企业的指导依据,对我国民营企业在核心竞争力形成方面提出可行的方法。希望本文的研究能够对我国民营企业能够在竞争激烈的市场环境中培育出自身的核心竞争力,做大做强,为自身和我国经济的健康快速发展起到一定的作用。
Abstract:Enterprises and the academic circles of many countries attach great importance to core-competitiveness due to its significance in competition within enterprises, in aspects of theory and practice. Economic globalization consistently promotes the development of the enterprises in every country. Meanwhile, it forces these enterprises to deal with huge competition. Enterprises who want to catch opportunity and highlight strength, should have deep self-reflection and sum up their strengths and weekness, and finally form their core-competitiveness to bulid thier longevity. Along with the deepened reform and opening up and further internationalization, enterprises in China have been in a new phase. This paper will be based on the research of Huawei and have deep analysis, as reference for private enterprises in China to form their own core-competitiveness in international market. The paper will begin with SWOT analysis of Huawei in terms of external environment, technology and capability, as well as the control and perfection of its brand, market, management and competitive strategies. This paper strives to get something useful for private enterprises in the formation of core-competitiveness. This paper is expected to be helpful for private enterprises in China to form their core-competitiveness and get sound and fast development.
Keywords:Huawei;Technology; Management;Strategy;Core-competitiveness