摘 要:家族企业在朝着现代企业管理制度迈进,由集权走向分权,但是家族企业存在分权程度大小的不同的管理现象,有的分权形式形同虚设,被授权的中高层管理者没有实权,有的只获得一部分实权,有的可以充分发挥自主决策权,这样从分权程度入手,可以把分权模式分为秘书式分权模式,参谋式分权模式和分层授权分权模式,从三种分权模式的角度,探析不同的分权模式对家族企业绩效的影响,从而给家族企业选择分权模式带来一定的启发。在总结国内外对家族企业治理相关课题研究的基础上,笔者从分权程度角度分析并构建出一个三种分权模式对家族企业绩效影响的模型。设计问卷,调查某区域24家非上市家族企业的分权现状以及财务绩效、人事绩效和事业发展绩效的数据,对数据进行处理,做出分析表格。采用实证研究的方法,根据调查处理的数据探究不同规模不同分权模式下企业财务、人事和事业发展上的绩效情况,总结出中国家族企业的三种分权模式中分层授权模式下家族企业的运作效率和业绩最好,参谋式分权模式次之,秘书式分权模式最差,而且企业规模越大,分层授权模式的优势就越明显。不可否认的是,秘书式分权模式和参谋式分权模式是家族企业现阶段的一个过度性变革目标。但结合当下某些家族企业的发展经验和展望未来家族企业的发展趋势,分层授权分权模式将是我国家族企业治理模式最终的变革方向。
Abstract:The family business is stepping forward towards modern enterprise management system from centralization to decentralization, but that exists the phenomenon of different extent of decentralized management of family businesses, and some form of decentralization useless, middle and senior managers are authorized no real power, and some get only part of the real power, and some can give full play to their own decision-making powers, so that starting from the decentralization level, decentralization mode can be divided into the secretary-style decentralized model, counseling-style models and hierarchical authorization decentralization model. From three kinds decentralized model perspective, the thesis analyses performances of family firms under the influence of different decentralization models , bringing some inspirations to the family business for choosing decentralization models . On the basis of summing up researches on the family business governance from China and foreign countries, the author builds a model of three kinds of decentralizations affecting corporations performances from the perspective of decentralization level. Designing a questionnaire, surveying financial performance, personnel performance and career development performance data and decentralization status of a region 24 non-listed family firms, processing the data to make analysis forms. Using empirical research methods, the thesis explores financial performance, personnel performance and career development performance under different decentralization modes of different sizes of corporations, according to the survey data processed, summing up that in the Chinese family business models of the three decentralizations, hierarchical authorization mode make family business operate efficiently and perform the best, following is counseling-style decentralized model, followed by the worst secretary-style decentralization model, and larger enterprises, hierarchical authorization decentralization shows more obvious advantages. It is undeniable that, the secretary-style decentralization mode and counseling-style decentralization model are transitional revolutionary targets for the family business at this stage. But combining with the current development experience of some family businesses and future trends, hierarchical authorization decentralization model will be the eventual revolutionary direction for the governance model of China’s family businesses.
Keywords: family business; decentralization mode; secretary-style decentralization; counseling-style decentralization; hierarchical authorization decentralization