摘 要:当代中国家族性中小企业蓬勃发展,成为国家经济发展和社会进步的重要力量。鄂尔多斯作为一个新兴城市,近年来,鄂尔多斯市的家族性中小企业得到了良好的发展,同时也带动了整个鄂尔多斯市的经济发展。自2011年以来,鄂尔多斯出现地区性经济危机,使得大量中小型家族企业面临困境,发展举步维艰,直接影响着本地区经济的健康快速发展。了解本地区中小企业的发展状况,探讨中小企业如何摆脱困境实现转型,对这类企业和地方经济发展有重要意义。
Abstract:The flourish of small and medium-sized family business in contemporary China has become a main force that promotes economic development and social progress. As a new city, Ordos’ small and medium-sized family business is well developed in recent years, and it also gives an impetus to the economic development of Ordos. Since 2011, a regional economic crisis took place in Ordos. It made a large number of small and medium-sized family businesses face difficulties, and its development is obviously impeded. To understand the development of small and medium-sized family business in this region and discuss how to get rid of the crisis and realize the transition, these will play an important role in such enterprises and the local economy development.
Based on investigation, this paper makes systematically research and discussion on the developing environment, current situation and existing problems of small and medium-sized family business in Ordos, and also points out the solution. Besides, the paper selected a good operating medium-sized family business in Ordos as a case study to specifically analysis the successful experiences and disadvantages during the operation. At last, the development of Ordos’ small and medium-sized family business in the future was looked forward.
Keywords: Ordos; family; SMB; problems; solutions