摘 要:自21世纪初我国高校扩招以来,每年我国都有数百万人从大学走入工作岗位,在校大学生早就突破了两千万人,大学生群体追求社交、尊重和自我实现的需求,旅游是他们实现这种需求的一种方式。在新世纪国家提出了尊重知识、尊重人才的口号,庞大的大学生群体旅游偏好的研究,对于我国产业结构的转型具有重要的意义。现在国内外对大学生旅游群体侧重在市场消费行为方面的研究,而本文从大学生的旅游动机、心理以及相关旅游产品的开发状况,旅游产业部门的管理制度分析入手,找出影响大学生旅游产品消费的原因,从而对旅游产业部门提出相关的改进建议。
关键词: 大学生; 旅游偏好; 研究
Abstract:Since the enrollment expansion of colleges in the beginning of the twenty-first century in China, millions of people go to work form the university every year, college students already exceeded twenty million, college students pursue social, respect and self-realization needs, tourism is one way for them to achieve this demand. In the new century, our country puts forward the slogan: respect knowledge, respect talent, it has important significance to research tourism preference of a large group of college students for the transformation of chinese industrial structure. Now research on college students' tourism group focused on consumer behavior at home and abroad, however, In this paper, we will start form tourism motivation,psychology, the development of related tourism products and analysis of tourism industry sector’ management to find out the reasons of tourism products’ consumption that affects the university students , so that we can put forward the improvement suggestions related to the tourism sector.
Keywords: college students;tourism preference;study