关键词:产业技术创新联盟 绩效评价 模糊综合法
Abstract: The 20th century, industrial technology innovation since the 90s as a new Alliance Cooperative Mode in large numbers worldwide, and become innovative enterprises to improve the efficiency of the key ways to gain competitive advantage and evaluation of the performance of alliances has been the industrial technology innovation strategyUnion, the focus of attention, it is undeniable Industrial Technology Innovation Alliance Union realization of independent innovation, promoting economic integration technology to promote the conversion of scientific and technological achievements has important significance, but if the performance evaluation method of uncertainty is bound to lead to technological innovationEvaluation of injustice. In this paper, Union Industrial Technology Innovation Performance Evaluation Methods on the significance of China's industrial development, methods and other aspects of the need to choose the Industrial Technology Innovation Alliance importance of performance evaluation methods.Reference and compared at the same time on alliance performance evaluation scholars some of the ways chosen to combine qualitative and quantitative methods of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method as the League of industrial technological innovation performance evaluation.At the same time by Jiangsu Province Innovation Alliance analysis of overall performance and study demonstrated the superiority of this method.
Keywords:Industrial Technology Innovation Allianc Fuzzy comprehensive method