本文选取住宅租赁市场为分析研究对象,通过对南京市住宅租赁市场的调查了解租赁市场的现状,进而对调查结果进行分析,总结出存在的问题及解决问题的办法等方面阐述,并提出相关解决办法或改进措施,有效解决当前住房问题,肯定大力发展房地产租赁市场的迫切性和重要性, 从而进一步完善租赁市场,促进房地产业的健康发展。
关键词 住宅租赁市场;调查分析;评估及对策
Abstract:With the increasing development of the city scale and economy of Nanjing, more and more people come to Nanjing which greatly promoted the real estate industry, especially the housing rental market. So the problems about houses of people come out apparently .As an important part of the real estate market system, the housing rental market have had a greatly development in recent years, but it not followed the space of the market demand.
To realize the present situation of the rental market investigation of housing rental market of Nanjing and to analyze the results of the investigations, summarizes the existing problems and the way to solve the problems and put forward related solutions or improvement measures, this paper selects the residential rental market as the point to research. To solve the housing problems effectively and improve the rental market and promote the development of the real estate industry, the necessary of housing rental market and important must be face vigorously.
Keywords residential rental market investigation assessment and advisements
在任何一个健康发展的住宅市场中, 都必须由商品房买卖市场和房屋租赁市场共同构成。如果没有房屋租赁市场的支持,必会导致房地产市场的结构失衡,形成单独的消费性置业局面,这必然会导致房地产市场的不稳定,以至于最后损害房地产市场的发展。因此, 房地产租赁市场的发展是促进房地产市场健康发展必不可少的组成部分。
目前, 在我国各个大城市的租赁家庭所占的市场比例一般只达到30%。但是总体说来,目前我国仍处于发展中国家行列,人民的平均生活水平还不是太高,实现人人通过买房实现人人有房住目标不太可能。同时,各个大城市的人口流动性很强,不可能稳定居住在一个地方,这种临时性的居住问题就必须考虑房屋租赁市场来解决。随着我国人口流动性越来越强,再加上本地一部分居民对房屋租赁市场的需求,租房住已经成为解决居民住房问题的第二途径。