ABSTRACT:Based on an analysis of the current situation and the demand of the training of the new employees in Ziguang International Chemistry Industrial Corporation, this thesis mainly tries to find out the problems in the training and meet the demand of both the new employees and the corporation by carrying out the new training project, which will help the new employees fit into the corporation as soon as possible and create value by exercising their faculty. In order to provide a basis for the training of the new employees, this thesis offers a new training project according to the problems in the current training.
This paper mainly by five parts, the first part is the introduction mainly research purpose, significance, and background, the second part is the brief introduction about the company, including the constitution, the age of the firm degree, the third part is the analysis of present situation and problems of the training of new employees, the fourth part is the theoretical basis of the new staff training, including the formula, group Lewin's two-factor theory, reinforcement theory, the fifth part is the key in design of new employee training and development plan.The new training project includes the analysis of the needs of the training, the formulating, the enforcement, the tracking and the evaluation of the new project. Key words::New employee Training; Needs analysis; Assess training results