企业要想成为学习型、创新型企业,就必须加强、 重视员工培训体系建设。中小企业在推动国民经济持续快速发展、缓解就业压力、促进市场繁荣和社会稳定等方面都发挥着极其重要的作用。培训是中小企业人力资本保值增值的重要途径。通过培训企业能得到需要的人才,员工通过培训,不断学习才能在不断变化的环境中得以生存和发展。因此,针对中小企业自身特点和员工状况,设计出一套符合企业发展的培训体系,对企业和员工而言,都具有十分重要的作用和意义。
关键词:中小企业 人力资源管理 培训体系 培训管理
ABSTRACT:With the arrival of the era of knowledge economy, human resources has become the primary resource, excellent staff to become a key factor in winning business competition.SME for our long-term economic development strategy is of great significance, and how has a number of high professional quality of the staff are SMEs need to be resolved at this stage the most important issue.
To become a learning-oriented enterprises, innovative enterprises, they must be strengthened emphasis on staff training system. SMEs in promoting the sustained, rapid development, ease the employment pressure, promoting market prosperity and social stability have played an extremely important role. Training is increasing the value of human capital for SMEs an important way.
Enterprises need to get through training personnel, staff through training, continuous learning in a changing environment in order to survive and develop. Therefore, for employees of SMEs own characteristics and conditions, design a training system meet the business development of enterprises and employees, has a very important role and significance.
Human Resource Management training is an important part of this paper, the importance of staff training for SMEs and analyzed the current situation, and pointed out the problems. On this basis, staff training system for SMEs has been designed. And NW companies, for example, the status of corporate training to do the analysis, pointing out that the enterprises in the training of the problems, and the company's training system to explore the problems, propose solutions to problems. This paper aims to staff training issues for SME research for SMEs to establish an effective employee training system, and you want to be able to establish a training system for SMEs to reference.
Keywords:SMEs;Human Resource Management;Training system;Training Management