关键词:雇主品牌 人力资源管理 构建 研究
ABSTRACT:In the 21st century, with the development of economic globalization and the Internet, the global wars for talent within have shown an unprecedented intensity. Establish and maintain an outstanding employer brand to attract and retain talented employees in the human resources market persistent competitive advantage to win the inevitable choice, but also many of the world famous enterprises successful experience. This revelation that we should strengthen the human resource management system research and study, and constantly promote the realization of the value of employer branding. At present, foreign enterprises employer branding matures, while domestic enterprises are still in its infancy. This paper attempts a brief introduction on the employer brand, leads the domestic enterprises in the employer branding process deficiencies, and then in-depth analysis and discussion, and to put forward their proposed measures, hoping for domestic enterprises in human resource management system level leads to a practical way.
Keywords: Employer Brand; Human Resource Management; Build; Research
随着进入21世纪, 企业战略日趋同质化,企业的竞争在很大程度上就是人才的竞争,而企业在人才竞争中主要依靠的是优秀的雇主品牌,来增强自身的竞争力。因此,当今时代,企业已经开始越来越注重加快品牌建设的步伐,具体而言,国外企业早已认识到雇主品牌的重要性,普遍重视加强雇主品牌的建设;但相较于他们,国内企业的雇主品牌建设起步晚,发展慢,没有形成科学合理的体系,在各个方面都处于落后的局面。与此相对的是,在国内对于人才的竞争也日趋残酷与激烈,每个企业在考虑怎样吸引和留住优秀人才,充分发挥出组织现有的人力资源的作用,实现组织的战略目标,抢夺未来人才竞争的制高点,为今后的激烈竞争打下基础。这就要求我们必须对其雇主品牌的建设进行深入的探讨和分析。