关键字:电子商务 物流配送 企业自营物流 第三方物流配送 物流联盟
ABSTRACT:With the continuous development of information technology, the trade pattern has turned into electronic commerce. In the process of implementation of E-commerce,it need to integrate the information flow, cash flow, business flow and logistics operations. logistics distribution has met the bottleneck of e-commerce development in our country. As the role of logistics distribution has become more and more important, quick, efficient logistics distribution is one of the key factors that promote the electronic commerce rapid development. For enterprises, choosing a good logistics distribution mode can improve the efficiency of distribution and reduce distribution costs. This paper discusses the current status of China's logistics distribution under electronic commerce environment and electronic commerce development situation. It Summed up the theory of e-commerce and logistics distribution of the related theory, and analyzes our country electronic commerce logistics distribution under the environment of the advantages and disadvantages of the five major modes. Finally it puts forward to the problems, which is existing in the process of China's e-commerce logistics distribution and gives the corresponding Suggestions.
Key words: electronic commerce; logistics distribution; enterprise self-conducting logistics; third party logistics distribution; logistics alliance