关键词:零售业 配送中心 选址 层次分析法
Abstract:Retail is the concentrated expression of a country's economic development and prosperity and people's living standards improve. In China, retail is not only an important part of commercial, at the same time it is also in circulation areas an important part of connecting production and consumption. Distribution center location problem is an important part of retail development to be considered, the retail distribution center location problem by the analytic hierarchy process and put forward reasonable proposals.
Keyword: Retail, distribution center, location, Analytical Hierarchy Process
运用层次分析法对于城市零售业配送中心的选址,可以通过两两因素比较,能较为科学地知道各个分解因素对总目标的权重,解决了各个因素对于总目标难以权重的问题。可以有效解决配送中心选址涉及因素多、数据不易获得的矛盾, 具有更高的分辨率,而且应用也较为简单。应用层次分析法最大优点是可以在选址决策中更好地把定性和定量结合在一起,避免主观性,尤其在很多因素都发生的情况下,提高选址的科学性。