摘要:360 度绩效考核法在西方国家的实践中取得了巨大的成功,但引进中国后 却效果不佳,甚至一度沦为“鸡肋”。本文重点从集体主义倾向、“官本位”思想、“中 庸之道”处世原则和“以和为贵”观念四个方面来分析文化因素对 360 评估的影响情况。 通过分析本文认为 360 评估有效实施的文化条件是:企业内部环境宽松,交流沟通顺畅, 并且鼓励创新精神,最后提出对企业文化进行本土化改造、实行“并行制”和建立绩效 反馈这三点相应的管理对策和建议。
关键词:360 评估 文化背景 绩效考核
Abstract:360-degree feedback is widely used in the practice of performance evaluation in western developed countries and has obtained great success.
360-degree feedback as an evaluation method is also introduced into Chinese enterprise. However, its poor performance makes it to be " chicken rib ".This paper mainly analyses the impact of Chinese Cultural Factors on 360-degree feedback from four aspects including collectivism tendency, the thought of "valuing official titles", the principle of the golden mean and harmony idea. By analysis, the author concludes that the cultural condition of 360-degree feedback’s effective implementation is: an open interior environment, smooth communication and encourage innovation. In the end, the paper suggests that the corporations which want to use 360-degree feedback can take action through reforming localization of enterprise culture, implementing parallel system, and establishing performance feedback to fully exert the function of 360-degree feedback.
KeyWords:360-degree feedback; cultural background; performance assessment
绩效反馈就是将绩效评价的结果反馈给被考评者且对其的行为产生影响,是绩效考 评过程的最后一个环节。360 度绩效考核法非常重视反馈的实施和结果,把反馈部分作 为最重要和持续时间最长的阶段,因为它决定了绩效考核的预期目的是否能达到。绩效 反馈具体过程涵盖了多项工作,例如:检查数据是否客观真实,个人发展计划是否合理 和客观分析考核的环境因素等。受中国文化的影响,企业或组织在实施 360 度绩效考核 时,应建立绩效反馈文化。陈永志(2007)提出,这里的绩效反馈文化是指组织水平上 对反馈行为的注重和支持而营造的企业文化氛围,从而帮助员工形成特定的行为准则和 思考模式。具体是指,确立“融汇个人绩效的改进,推进整体绩效的跨越式提升,促使 企业向前迈进”的信念。同时,培养员工的个体绩效反馈倾向,用以提高改变行为和绩 效表现的可能行。良好的绩效反馈文化的建立是企业或组织未来有效运行 360 度绩效考 核法的价值基础,有利于该考核法与企业文化的不断协调统一。