关键词:劳动派遣 雇主连带责任 非对称性矛盾 风险矫治
Abstract:After Labor Contract Law was promulgated, employer joint liability system in Chinese labor dispatch is taking shape for the protection of vulnerable dispatched to provide a legal basis. However, the asymmetric structure of the labor dispatch is naturally exsiting that leads to expose the system vacuum of the division of responsibility, vicarious liability, protection against occupational hazards and so on. This paper is aim at justifying the state-should-be of employer joint liability system in Chinese labor dispatch and finding a path leading to harmonious labor relations. Through the elaboration of the theory and research combined with Chinese current conditions and theoretical background in the perspective of Labor Law, Economics, and Sociology, we can analyse legitimacy reasons, institutional strengths and real risks of employer joint liability system in Chinese labor dispatch.
Keyword: Labor dispatch Employer joint liability Asymmetric contradiction Risk rescue