ABSTRACT:How to solve the problem of “low-end market lock” and “middle income trap” has been a key restricting factor which plays an important role during the process of the successful transition of Chinese economy. In this context, through GREE make breakthroughs in radical technologies and the high-end market by using independent R&D and show a new label of the" high quality high end" to Chinese manufacturing. From the case study of GREE, we find radical technology breakthrough came from the accumulation of long-term independent R&D, meet customer needs and reduce manufacturing costs lead to the R&D investment, leader entrepreneur‘s consciousness of technology strategy and the abundant native intellectual resources constitute the internal and external support of independent R&D, the continuously positive feedbacks between technology breakthrough and market performance are the key guarantee of sustainability of independent R&D investment, external technical cooperation was an important complement which benefits independent R&D, compared with multinational enterprises, product development of local enterprises has the advantage of rapid response to market demand. So, only finished the transformation from meeting the need to create demand, from technology breakthrough to primitive innovation, can Chinese manufacturing really win the global leadership.
Keywords: Chinese Manufacturing;Independent R&D;Technology Catch-up
改革开放后30年,中国依托大量的廉价劳动力,并以过度消耗自然资源和环境为代价,中国制造业曾经在全球创造了一个“中国奇迹”,在国外随处都能见到印有“MADE IN CHINA”字样的产品,然而,近年来随着信息科技时代的到来制造业的环境产生了很大的变化:劳动力成本上升,现代信息科技技术全面进入生产领域,特别是08年金融危机的爆发等等一系列情况的变化让仅靠代工换取微薄的加工费用的中国制造业逐渐陷入了所谓的“中等收入陷阱”的威胁。另外,在本土企业的能力成长和技术差距逐步缩小的情况下他们同样面临着如何追赶到领先的角色转换,大量中国制造被锁定在中低端市场,因此,加强自主研发的能力和对核心技术的突破对中国制造业在未来与国际接轨的发展道路上有着深远的意义,这也是中国制造转型的必由之路。