关键词:宝洁 本土化 营销策略 存在问题 解决措施
ABSTRACT:Recently, Procter & Gamble, the situation is not very optimistic: the layout of the Procter & Gamble "big day" product line, almost all skin care products, cleaning supplies, toiletries and other categories, market share and growth rate of development also have varying degrees of stagnation or even decline; lack of the localized product design to the Chinese market has also been a short board of Procter & Gamble in the Chinese market; Chinese market has become individualist tradition, some local enterprises began once came close to being acquired by Procter & Gamble have a powerful impact on the P & G ...
Faced with this predicament, the understanding of the development and operation of the status quo of Procter & Gamble, Procter & Gamble marketing strategy in China, Procter & Gamble in China's development problems and make recommendations, so that the market share of P & G products in China, picked up the pace of development, and develop marketing strategies to help multinational companies have the same problem.
Keywords: Procter & Gamble localization marketing strategy problems remedies