关键词:作业效率 集装箱 合理
ABSTRACT:Jiulongpo district container terminal branch is holding the Chongqing Kowloon Chongqing port logistics group co., LTD., subordinate's biggest freight branch, is the Yangtze river upstream of the southwest region's largest transshipment hub and port of foreign trade transport category. Along with the development of the port, how to improve the working efficiency are questions can not be ignored. Among them, the container terminal yard is one of the important part of the container terminal operation, during the production of modern container terminal operations occupy very important position. Operational efficiency of container terminal yard has been affecting the development of modern container terminal yard. Operational efficiency of container terminal yard depends largely on the whole yard of operation mode, the unreasonable operation directly lead to a waste of resources, affect the job results. This article from the theoretical analysis and practice, the method of experience to explore how to optimize the efficiency of container terminal yard operation way, tries to put forward new proposals for the development of modern container terminal operations, open up new ideas.
Keyword: The efficiency ;container ;reasonable
集装箱码头堆场是集装箱码头重要的组成部分之一,在现代集装箱码头生产作业中占据极其重要的地位。近年来, 随着重庆港九股份有限公司九龙坡集装箱码头分公司对外贸易量的增加,集装箱吞吐量也在逐年增长,其增长速度甚至超过了集装箱码头的发展速度。如何提高集装箱码头作业效率已成为当前集装箱码头研究所关注的焦点。任何一个码头要提升核心竞争力,打造成为世界一流的集装箱码头,不仅应具备一切硬件设施条件,还必须提高作业效率,而这在很大程度上取决于集装箱堆场的管理是否合理。合理安排堆场作业,不仅能降低翻箱率,提高码头装卸速度,而且还能最大限度地提高码头堆场利用率和码头通过能力。本文将从集装箱码头堆场的实际工作数据分析,工作流程分析,效率分析等方面进行分析总结。结合这些分析数据内容,分析影响效率的主要问题,产生原因,并提出一些具体的优化措施,希望能使整个集装箱码头堆场的作业流程更加合理,利用效率更加高效。