【关键词】 酒店,顾客,满意度
【Abstract】Jinjiang A hotel as a national chain hotel, constantly expand to other neighboring provinces and cities of markets and consumers. A hotel in the local has to have a certain competitive advantage, but under the situation of today's hotel industry competition is so fierce, if the hotel does not adjust their strategies in a timely manner, rest on its laurels will be difficult long-term based on the market, how to make Jinjiang A hotel and similar star the level and scale of the hotel enduring, guests at his door became a question worth exploring. The topics will be combined with the early literature reading, reference and theoretical analysis, overview of the influencing factors of customer satisfaction, brand image of the hotel (including corporate culture, visibility and reputation) Hotel hardware facilities, the hotel staff service quality, as well as hotelcrisis public relations, customer satisfaction focus Jinjiang A hotel in the course of business, through questionnaires, interviews and other research methods, draw Jinjiang Hotel A relatively high customer satisfaction in the course of business, but thisdoes not mean that the hotel did not improve or improve their own necessary, the study found, Jinjiang A hotel lead to customer dissatisfaction reasons including the lack of a clear corporate culture guide; marketing channel is not smooth enough, leading to corporate reputation, the reputation is not high; Hotelhardware facilities is not perfect;lack of standardization hotel staff service quality, personalized and user-friendly and customer perception is lower than expected, resulting in customer dissatisfaction and even the loss of personal Therefore, I put forward for the above four questions relative creative and targetedsuggestions for improvement, such as to build a harmonious enterprise culture; vigorously publicity and promotion to improve the visibility and reputation of the hotel; perfect hardware facilities;improve employee quality of service standardization, user-friendly and personalized; strengthen crisis public relations and cultivate customer loyalty,A hotel in Jinjiang improve service quality, brand image and then to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, providing reference for the hotel to achieve sustainable development, but also for other similar-star hotel development and business strategy adjustmentgive inspiration.
【Key Words】 hotel,customer,satisfaction
我的研究思路是主要有理论研究与实证研究两条主线,其中在理论研究中,影响顾客对酒店的满意度的因素包括客观与主观两大因素,客观因素主要包含酒店的企业文化、知名度和美誉度、硬件配套设施、酒店的服务质量以及对危机公关的处理;主观因素在于顾客需求的差异性和复杂性,同时,在《晋江A酒店顾客满意度调查问卷》中,也证实了上述6个要素确实是影响顾客满意度的重要指标,但是为了使论文的阐述更清晰和更具条理性,我把影响顾客对酒店满意度的因素归纳为以下四点:酒店的品牌形象(含企业文化、知名度和美誉度)、硬件配套设施、酒店的员工服务质量,以及酒店的危机公关。另外,在实证研究上,根据我的实地调研与观察,顾客对晋江A酒店的总体满意度较高,但是这并不意味着酒店在日后的经营过程没有任何改进的必要,晋江A酒店存在的顾客不满意,归根结底是因为酒店在企业的品牌形象塑造中确实存在一些不足,第一,没有建立完整而深入人心的企业文化,第二,酒店硬件设施不够完善,第三,没有畅通的营销渠道来提高企业知名度;顾客需求的差异性和复杂性,要求酒店员工提供更具标准化、个性化与人性化的服务,第四,顾客感知度低于期望值,造成顾客不满意甚至流失,从而导致危机公关的出现。因此,我认为晋江在提升酒店满意度及自身竞争力上,必须从以下三个方面再做改进:首先, 打造自身优质品牌形象:包括构建和谐企业文化,完善酒店硬件设施和大力宣传与推广酒店;其次,提供标准化、人性化和个性化的服务,即加强员工培训的标准化,以及员工服务个性、人性化;最后,加强危机公关与培养顾客忠诚度。