关键词 生活给水;排水系统;消火栓;自动喷淋;分流排放
Abstract:Proposed architecture for a 16 layer integrated mass. Garage for the underground layer, one to the second floor for shops, 3 to 16 layer for residence, a podium for shops on the second floor, third floor is for office area. The project of water supply and drainage design mainly includes the life water supply, fire water supply design, drainage design, rain water and hot water. Among them, the living water supply design includes the choice of the ways of water supply, water supply pipe diameter and the pump calculation and choice. This design the drinking water system is divided into three areas, one to three layers of low area, four to thirteen layer for the central district, 14 to 16 layer is high area. With the method of pump tank joint water supply. Water supply pipes adopt gangsu tube. Drainage including calculation of drainage pipes and drainage pipeline arrangement, roof rainwater drainage system, sewage of local processing and other design projects. Rain and sewage diversion discharge. Rainwater and sewage set riser respectively, sewage collected from septic tanks, through simple processing back into the municipal pipe network, rainwater, wastewater is directly discharged into the municipal pipe network. Drainage pipe adopts the UPVC pipe. Rainwater drainage system by gravity free surface flow ordinary eaves gutter drainage system, rain water collecting to eaves gutter, along the roof and then flows into the setting of the riser to the ground outside. The building fire rating not less than level 1, less than one hundred meters high, so the fire water system partition, use temporary high pressure water supply system. Steel pipe, fire control pipeline in a connection way as the clamp connection. This design adopts wet sprinkler system, however, that system terminal end of the test device. Flowing the riser choose DN100 galvanized seamless steel pipe. Hot water system for centralized hot water supply system, divided into three areas, one to three layers of low area, four to thirteen layer for the central district, 14 to 16 layer is high area. Directly by the municipal pipe network water supply low area, central area and high by roof water tank water supply.
Keyword domestic water supply system drainage system fire hydrant automatic sprinkler bypass emissions