关键词 建筑;给水;消防;喷淋;排水;热水
Abstract:Work in the complex building for11 floors of trade in the building originally designed, is it drain off water engineering design including room is it supply water system design , indoor fire control supply water the system is designed and the indoor drainage system set up to live to give. Life supplies water and is divided into two districts systematically: The 1floor to 2floor are the low district, adopt the pipe network of municipal water supply and supply water directly; 3are the high district to the 11th Floor, supply water for the system with the high-order water tank of the roof. Fire control supply water system divide into fire hydrant supply water system and automatic spray fire extinguishing system, building this one building, stipulate according to " high-story civil building fire prevention the design specification ", water consumption of the indoor fire hydrant and outdoor fire hydrant water consumption fetch 40L/s and30L/s respectively, automatic spray systematic water consumption fetch 21L/s, automatic spray system set up the pressurized equipment on the roof. Supply water system adopt PP-R supply water pipe , fire hydrant supply water system and automatic spray fire extinguishing system adopted and has not sewn the zinc-plated steel tube , the drainage system sets up and is in charge of adopting PPI spiral drain pipe, drain off water and prop up in charge of adopting ordinary UPVC drain piping on the everyth floor.In order to ensure the water pressure is the same, the layout of hot water systems and water supply are the same, PPR water supply pipes.
Keywords Building Supply Water Fire Control Spray Dewatering Hot-water