关键词:施工组织设计 模板专项设计 SAP2000验算
ABSTRACT:The title of this design is the construction design and building formworks of shimo middle school in Jiangjin.
Construction organization design is based in part of this project Project Overview, develop appropriate construction program. Including the construction process, infrastructure construction program, the main construction program, construction progress schedule, labor, machinery and materials supply plan and the various assurance measures.
For this construction, specially prepared corresponding formwork special designs. Taking into account the construction schedule, quality and safety requirements, the base formwork, formwork columns and beams formworks were prepared and developed a number of formworks to use summary tables and turnaround plans, and related notices and assurance measures, wherever possible beneficial efficient, science-based components, to ensure construction safety and orderly conduct.
After completion of the special design of the formwork, using the SAP2000 computer for checking the stability of components of the deformation may occur secondary stress analysis, to ensure project quality.
Keywords: Construction design ; Formwork design ; SAP2000 special checking
1.1 编制说明
本论文是将理论与实际相结合,利用我们学过的知识,编制出施工组织设计和模板专项设计。 并且学会如何使用SAP2000进行模板支架立柱的稳定性验算。