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  • 更新时间:2013-09-25
  • 论文字数:6112
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关键词:台湾综艺节目  大陆综艺节目  新媒体  娱乐


Abstract:Entertainment shows are famous for their diverse patterns various forms and interesting content. While the entertainment shows in mainland China gradually taken shape, more and more Taiwanese entertainment shows are also well known to the majority of the mainland audience, and sought after by the younger age groups. Such programs are commendable in the use of new media. This paper analyzes the Taiwan entertainment shows in terms of the advantages of the use of new media , existing problem and various possible ways of using new media. I hope to give readers and related practitioners some inspirations of The future development of new media.

Key words: Taiwanese entertainment show; mainland China entertainment TV show;tronic map; new media;Entertainment




