Abstract: The Resource-based city, outstanding feature is prospered as a result of resources but some of cities might be recession owing to the resources. Once the resource-based cities developments lag, it will become an important factor that restricts our country economic development and progress. In this paper we take a typical resource-based city--Fuxin city of Liaoning Province as an example as the research object. Analysis about Fuxin city’s develop situation and the advantage of Industrial Structure Optimization and Upgrading with some methods such as documental analysis, shift-share analysis. In the end, we found that extend resource-based industrial production chain, optimize coal industry, foster other major industry, pay attention to the development of education, improve the level of science and technology, develop ecological economy industry, adjust the proportion structure of some industry, optimize investment surroundings, develop export-oriented economy can provide some reference to the relevant department.
Keywords: Resource-based cities; Industrial Structure Optimization and Upgrading; Sustainable development; Fuxin city