摘要:探讨不同水生态系统中氮、磷含量的差异及与与水生植被分布的相互关系。[方法] 采用梅花点法,对晓庄学院校园湖泊生态系统和池塘生态系统分别各设5个点采样及植被调查,水体中氮和磷的含量测定分别采用国标GB 11894-89(水质 总氮的测定 碱性过硫酸钾消解紫外分光光度法)和GB 11893-89 (水质 总磷的测定 钼酸铵分光光度法)。[结果] 湖泊生态系统中,N、P平均含量分别为0.05466mg/L、2.94816mg/L,都高于池塘生态系统中N和P的平均含量,分别高出 44.4 %、40.2 %,湖泊生态系统中植被种类和数量也明显比池塘生态系统中的丰富。 [结论] N、P是植物生长的必须元素,水体中N和P含量高低与植被种类相一致。
Abstract:[Objective] The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the content of N, P and aquatic macrophytes distribution in the lake and pond ecosystems in Nanjing Xiaozhuang University. [Methods] Five points were selected respectively in the lake and pond ecosystems, using plum-point method, to take water samples and plant investigation research. The contents of N and P in water were determined according to GB 11894-89 and GB 11893-89, respectively. [Result] The average contents of N and P in the lake ecosystem reach to 0.05466mg/L and 2.94816mg/L, exceeded 44.4 % and 40.2 % of which in the pond ecosystem respectively. The types and numbers of plants were more abundant in the lake ecosystem than that in the pond ecosystem. [Conclusion] Nitrogen and phosphorus are necessary elements for plant growth; the contents of nitrogen and phosphorus in water were consistent with the plant distribution.
Key words: Lake; Pond; Ecosystem; Nitrogen and phosphorus content, Plant distribution