关键词 郊区化 公共交通 房地产
Abstract The twenty-first century, China's urbanization has improved continuously,advancing urbanization to suburbanization. Suburbanization process of urban development is a necessary stage, refers to the urban population, economic activities, migration to the suburbs from the central area of the centrifugal diffusion process. Residents travel range and the travel distance corresponding increase, increase road network traffic intensity, the number of cars has increased annually, traffic congestion is becoming more serious. Traditional public transport, facing fierce competition from private transport. In this paper, Jiangning District, for example, through a comparative analysis of the traditional public transport and rail traffic characteristics, combined with the rate of urbanization Jiangning District, Jiangning District real estate development to understand the situation, analysis of urbanization in Jiangning District of different periods, the traditional public transport and rail transport role, as well as the impact of suburbanization in Nanjing. Nanjing suburbanization Propulsion and public transit layout both have mutual relations. Results of this study and the development of public transport, Jiangning District, the proposal for the study of the process of suburbanization in other districts in Nanjing also has reference.
Key words: suburbanization, public transport, real estate.