[关键词]:数字化地理专用教室; 初中地理; 使用现状
Abstract: Digital geographic special classroom is an environment equipped with modern education in the context of fully considerating the characteristics of geography education to carry out the construction of digitization, networking geographic teach and cooperative learning. Nanjing as the country's ahead region of educational Modernization Development equipment, in 2009 Nanjing choused one school in 14 counties to build digitized geography classrooms. In this paper, Nanjing secondary digital geographic special classroom usage as study object, combined with digital geographic special classroom features and functionality. To analyze the use present situation of Nanjing middle school digital geographic special classrooms, pointing out those existence problems in the course of digital geographic special classrooms and give a number of issues and recommendations for the future of Nanjing and even the country special classroom digital geographic building as a reference.
[Key word]:Digital Geographic Special Classroom; Junior Geography; Use Present Situation