摘 要:在科技飞速发展的今天,手机行业的发展更是精彩纷呈,几分天下。从之前的诺基亚的独霸天下到如今的苹果,三星的崛起,这个过程只用了短短的几年时间,手机行业的竞争不仅体现在手机系统的时代性,而且还体现在手机生产商采取的营销策略和手段,如何提供给更好的用户体验和超出用户期望的手机功能,一直都是手机生产商关注的问题。
关键词:市场营销 小米手机 营销策略
ABSTRACT:With the rapid development of science and technology, the cell phone industry developed splendidly nowadays. From the domination of the Nokia to the rise of Apple and Samsung,which takes only a few years. The competition of cell phone industry not only focuses on the operating system, but also the strategy applied by the handset makers. It is the problems that how to provide abundant user experiences and give people more than they expect are concerned by the makers.
Firstly, this paper will give a summary of marketing strategy and relevant theories, and the analysis of cell phone industry. What’s more, there will be a discussion of Xiaomi Company and Xiaomi Cell phone, give a summary of the marketing strategy and the shortage in the marketing strategy. Last but not least, there will be some suggestions according to the shortage of Xiaomi’s marketing strategy and give relevant conclusions.
Keywords:Marketing; Xiaomi Cell Phone; Marketing Strategy