摘 要:印度化妆品市场是未来全球最早潜力的新兴市场,印度的化妆品市场的潜力巨大,吸引了很多跨国企业打入印度市场,使竞争更加激烈。为了在印度化妆品(日化)市场上获得成功,各大企业应该制定适合企业自身的营销战略;在未来十年里各大企业能否在印度化妆品(日化)市场上获得成功主要取决于怎么使用企业自身的优势,规避劣势,抓住印度市场的机会,制定合适的市场营销战略。
关键字:化妆品 欧莱雅 营销战略 STP分析
ABSTRACT:Indian cosmetics market has great potential, has attracted many multinational companies to enter the Indian market, to make the competition more intense. How to use the marketing strategy for their own development in order to get the heart of the Indian consumers in the Indian market has become the focus of attention of Chinese and foreign cosmetics companies; how to rely on the advantage of the enterprise itself, seize opportunities, overcome disadvantage, risk aversion, and to develop appropriate marketing strategies the key to future success in the Indian market.
The major cosmetics companies are struggling to occupation of the cosmetics market in India. However, relatively few studies of the domestic cosmetics companies to enter the Indian market marketing strategy. India the cosmetics market situation and the marketing environment, from the product, price, place, promotion perspective analysis marketing strategy Paris L'Oreal cosmetics market in India to identify L'Oreal to enter India's lack of marketing strategy and proposed corresponding recommendations, to provide a reference for other cosmetics companies to enter India. Can help other enterprises (especially Chinese enterprises) to better develop marketing strategy to enter India.
Keywords: analysis of cosmetics L'Oreal marketing strategy STP