摘 要:高校体育俱乐部的组织形式多样,内容丰富,它在贯彻“健康第一”的指导思想和“以人为本”的教育宗旨下,在体育教学中充分体现以学生为主体,重视学生个体差异,在满足学生个体和个性全面发展的要求下,给学生自主选择的机会,使学生的学习与兴趣爱好结合起来,使强身健体与个性培养、陶冶身心结合起来,这对促进学生个体性发展起到很大的促进作用。本研究利用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数据统计等方法对XX学院公体武术俱乐部学生选课的促成因素进行调查,并分析这些因素对学生选择武术俱乐部的影响,以期XX学院武术俱乐部在今后教学过程中围绕这些因素更好的开展武术教学,使学生的主体地位在体育教学中充分得到体现。
关键词: XX学院 ;公体武术俱乐部;学生选课;促成因素
ABSTRACT:University sports club organization have various formats, the content is rich, it is implementing “the health first” guiding ideology and “humanist” under the education objective, fully manifests in the sports teaching take the student as the main body, takes the student individual difference, satisfies the student individual and the individuality full scale development request, chooses the opportunity independently for the student, unifies students' study and the interest hobby, and build up strength the healthy body and the individuality raise, influences the body and mind to unify, this to promotes the student individual to develop the very big promoter action. This research using literature methods and material methods, questionnaire survey methods, interview methods, data statistics chooses the class to the Hong He university Public sports Martial arts Club student the contributory cause to carry on the investigation, and analyzes these factors to choose the martial arts club to the student the influence, will revolve these factor better development martial arts teaching by the time in the next Hong He university Martial arts Club teaching process, enable student's main body status to obtain fully in the sports teaching manifests.
Keywords: Hong He University; Public sports martial arts club; Students' course selection; Contributing factors.