摘 要:本文通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、观察法,通过将硬式排球与气排球进行对比分析后,从参与者对气排球的认识、开展组织形式、运动场地器材以及制约气排球在当地发展的因素等四个方面对气排球运动在少数民族地区中学西双版纳州州一中的开展状况进行调查研究, 发现气排球运动在西双版纳州州一中的开展情况良好,已初步形成了规模,但当地长年湿热多雨的自然条件、人们对它的认知度、场地局限性、单一的组织形式却制约了它更好的发展,因此在气排球的宣传、开展组织形式、以及场地设施条件的更换几个方面提出了建议。
ABSTRACT:With using Document-data method, questionnaire survey, interviewing method, observation method, through compare and analyze normal volleyball and balloon volleyball, starting the research of development condition of balloon volleyball which first created in China and to investigate the research in No. 1 senior-school of Xishuangbanna administrative division where as an ethical division, the research started in 4 aspects: the knowledge of balloon volleyball of participants, forms of organization and conduction, limites of athletic ground and equipment, element which inhibit the development of balloon volleyball in local. The investigation showed the balloon volleyball already has had a promising development in No. 1 senior-school of Xishuangbanna administrative division. There formed a general influence in local place. But their natural conditions, awareness from local people, limited facilities and few organizational activities restricted balloon volleyball having a better future in Xishuangbanna. The thesis gave some suggestions in publicity, activity and facility of balloon volleyball.
Keywords: balloon volleyball; No. 1 senior-school of Xishuangbanna Administrative division; development situation