关键词:外商直接投资; 空间分布; 演化规律; 江苏; 影响因素
Abstract:Foreign direct investment is one of the important research topics in economic geography. This paper takes Jiangsu Province as a case,to research the foreign direct investment ‘s spatial distribution in Jiangsu Province and the influencing factors. The Study shows: FDI in Jiangsu province exists serious imbalance of regional distribution, which Shows "South tall north is low" characteristic; FDI has gradually to the middle and North Jiangsu area diffusion.Effects of FDI spatial distribution factors mainly include: Shanghai economic radiate drives action, the opening degree, the level of economic development, talent and R & D capability, agglomeration economic effects and infrastructure. Finally, put forward to alleviate the Jiangsu province FDI unbalanced regional distribution of countermeasures and suggestions.
Key words: foreign direct investment; distribution; evolution; Jiangsu; influence factors