[摘要] 进入21世纪以来,社会发展越来越迅速,真可谓日新月异。随着社会的不断发展和变化,竞争越来越激烈,加上知识经济的到来,这些都对秘书这个职业提出了越来越高的要求。由于秘书工作的特殊性、服务对象的不确定性等,秘书的心理因素越来越成为一个人是否合适做秘书的重要判断依据。可以说,没有好的心理素质的人是不能够胜任也不适合做秘书这份工作的。因此,本文旨在从秘书心理素质方面着手,具体分析作为一名秘书,应该在工作中具备哪些心理素质,以及普遍存在的心理障碍及其应对技巧,从而表明秘书在工作中除了需要具备丰富知识和提高实践处理问题能力的同时还要增强自身的心理素质,最终做一名新世纪的全能复合型的高端人才。
[关键词] 21世纪;秘书;心理素质;培养
[Abstract] Enter since twenty-first Century, the society develops rapidly, it is change rapidly. With the continuous development of society, more and more intense competition, with the coming of knowledge economy, the Secretary of the occupation to put forward more and more requirements. As secretary of the special nature of work, service object is uncertain, psychological qualities of the Secretary increasingly become an important judgment standard which determines a person who is fit to be a secretary or not . We can say, the person is not competent and do not fit the job as a secretary without good psychological quality. Therefore, this paper from the Secretary's psychological quality begins, a specific analysis as a secretary, which should work with the psychological quality, and the prevalence of mental disorders and their coping skills, thus indicating that the Secretary in the work in addition to need to have the rich knowledge and the practice ability of handling problems at the same time, enhance their psychological quality, eventually to do a new century universal composite type talents.
[Key words] 21th; the secretary ; the occupation psychological quality narrative poems; develop