关键词:肥胖; 90后女大学生; 减肥动机; 主动; 被动
Abstract:Obesity is now the world is facing serious public health problem. Reduce weight already became a kind of fashionable and in the modernization and urbanization, the society is particularly obvious, lose weight in the female is not new. However, diet and other unhealthy weight control behaviors of on people's physical and mental health, it shall have great influence on caused our common concern. This research mainly from 90 of female college students crowd after. Using the methods of documentary, questionnaire and mathematical statistics about their weight loss motivation, method reducing weight and society, thus to their influence on their weight loss psychological analysis, and learned that some irrational identify weight of female college students psychological obsession with the crux of the passive lose weight, how to cause their consciousness of reducing weight, active analyzing the main problems, and then put forward the corresponding ways to solve these problems.
Keywords: obesity, 90 female college students, lose weight after motivation, active and passive