摘要:“人的一生几乎没有任何一个方面像医疗保健的稀缺性这样一个基本的经济问题那样扣人心弦”(科尔奈和翁笙和,2003,第2 页)。尽管从新中国成立到如今十八大的召开,我国对医疗保险制度的改革也在逐步推进,但是目前我国经济理论界对此类问题给予的重视仍是不足的。本人以经济学的观点和博弈论的知识在一个大环境下客观而又理性的对我国现代医疗保险制度改革的原因,着力点,必要性等方面以经济学、博弈论的观点进行探索和解读。同时说明现在医疗保险制度的不足之处,并提供理论上的解决措施。
关键词:中国医疗保险制度改革 经济学分析 博弈论
ABSTRACT:"Human life is hardly any aspect of the scarcity of health care as a basic economic problem such as gripping" (Korana and Weng Shenghe, 2003, page 2). Despite the establishment of new China to the convening of eighteen now, China's medical insurance system reform is gradually advancing, but at present China's economic theorists attention given to such issues is still inadequate. I point of view of economics and game theory knowledge in a great environment for our objective and rational modern medical insurance system reform reasons, the focal point, the need for other aspects of economics, game theory point of view to explore and interpret . Medical insurance systems now also show the inadequacies and provide theoretical solutions.
Keywords: Chinese medical insurance system reform; Economics analysis; game theory