[摘要] 经济快速发展的中国,企业危机成为企业在生长与发展过程中不可避免的一部分。尤其是在市场竞争越发激烈、外部环境越发复杂的市场环境中,任何企业都不能保证危机不会发生在自己身上,导致这种情况的原因是多样的,但最主要的原因是我国企业缺乏危机意识,没有在企业内部形成一套危机预警系统,企业想要实现可持续发展,就要求企业提高危机管理水平,文章从危机管理的方面,阐述了企业危机管理预警系统构建的功能、必要性、重要意义,并介绍了危机预警系统的构建,来帮助企业预防和处置危机,“未雨绸缪”,有效的预防和化解危机。
[关键词] 企业危机 危机管理 预警系统
[Abstract] In the rapid economic development of China,enterprise crisis have become an unavoidable part in the process of production and development.Especially the fiercer of the competition of external markets and the more complicate of external circumstances those enterprises are facing ,under such circumstances, every company can not ensure the crisis do not happen.There aer various reasons leading to this situation, but the most important reasion is our enterprises have not crisis awareness and a perfect crisis-early-warning management system.Enterprises want to achieve sustainable development they must improve crisis management level.Thise paper based on crisis management states the necessary of the enterprise’s crisis-early-warning management it’s function and significance.Inaddition this paper suggests the system of crisis-early-warning to take precaution against the crisis and prevent enterprises from crisis.
[Keywords] Enterprise crisis crisis management early-warning-system