摘要: 近年来,相比于国外汽车产业制造的萎靡不振以及汽车销售市场的相对疲软,中国国内却成为了世界汽车销售的排头兵,近几年已经超越欧美以及日本成为世界第一大汽车消费国。在此背景下,本文主要通过数据描述近期国内汽车消费市场的主要特征,并在提炼中国汽车消费市场特性的基础之上,分析影响国内汽车消费市场的相关因素,同时对近期发展趋势进行了一些预测。
关键词:汽车 消费市场 影响因素
Abstract:With the emerging of Economic Crisis, Many auto producers such as GE, Chrysler and ford encounter a lot of obstacles that they have never met before. Some problems reflect a fact that the weakness of the international auto market. Under this global background, unbelievably, China has been on the first position of the auto sale market. Facing such a fresh market, no matter the old producers from the west, the others calling for “green” from Japan, or the local producers want to get a piece of cake from this profit.
What’s the situation of the China’s domestic auto market as the most fresh market. What’s the structure of the costumers in China? What’s the trend of current and potential need? This essay is for giving a perspective of the China’s domestic auto market through studying the characteristics and analyzing the numbers.
Key word: China; auto market;influencing factors