[关键词] 谢良琦 《醉白堂诗集》 诗歌词语 情感色调
abstract: in the early years of the Qing Dynasty, the most famous poet in Guangxi poetic world, is the Quanzhou poet Xie Liangqi. He wrote Zuibaitangshiji, and has his own style. Especially worthy attention, in the poetry, XieLiangqi utilized many words and expressions of gloomy and chilly tone, and union with the chilly image, now and then changes the cold and warm tone mutually, used the dielectric technique, creates a cold、dreary、chilly and desolate mood, has manifested poet's specific point of view、the specifi emotion and the specific esthetic pattern.
[Key word] XieLiangqi, Zuibaitangshiji,poetry words, emotion tone