摘要:我国酒店业作为旅游业的示范性支柱产业,近年来发展势头迅猛,然而,一个不容忽视的问题:酒店出于自身发展的需要,急需大量的高素质专业人才,我国酒店员工流动率一直居高不下, 而且有逐步上升的趋势。员工流动作为市场经济下劳动力资源配置的一种形式, 具有重要的作用它为我国酒店业选拔人才提供了资源, 也有利于人才的有效利用, 但我国酒店员工薪酬制度也存在着一
些问题。基于问题的存在, 我们就有必要对此进行思考分析并进一步谋求问题改善和解决的对策。
关键词: 酒店 酒店员工 薪酬制度 激励机制
Abstract:China's hotel industry as tourism demonstration of the pillar industries, in recent years, the rapid development momentum, however, a problem that can not be ignored: the hotel for their own development needs, be badly in need of a large number of high-quality professionals, our hotel employee turnover rate has been high, but also gradually on the rise. Employee turnover as a market economy under the allocation of labor resources in a form, has an important role for China's hotel industry selection of personnel to provide the resources, but also conducive to the effective use of talent, but our hotel staff salary system also exists some problems. Based on the existing problems, we need to analysis and further seek improvement of problem and countermeasures.
Key words: hotel ; Hotel staff; Pay system; Incentives