2022年03月13日 更新
This thesis firstly introduces the seven basic color words (red, yellow, black, white, green, blue, purple), then discusses the similarities and differences of color words between Chinese and English from the cultural aspects of history, cul...
分类:英语论文 - 字数:5568
分类:俄语专业 - 字数:4268
The differences between the English and Chinese color terms are caused by such cultural factors as environment, perception and religion. This paper has a contrastive study on the cultural connotations of basic color terms between English and...
分类:英语论文 - 字数:6759
On the other hand, the meaning of a word has two aspects: denotative and connotative. A word’s denotation is what it literally means, while it’s connotation emphasizes on the feeling and idea implied within the word. ...
分类:英语论文 - 字数:6184
:In semantics, there exists constraint in the collocation of a sentence’s components. Sense relation of the collocation is conventional and is decided by the selectional restriction. However, in many works of the modernist and post-moderni...
分类:英语论文 - 字数:5128
This paper is aimed at analyzing the ways how modernists or post-modernists violate the semantic conventions in the adoption of the stream-of-consciousness technique, as well as the literary significance brought by such a semantic breakthrou...
分类:英语论文 - 字数:5130
分类:计算机信息 - 字数:11543
The theory of Semantic and Communicative Translation, put forward by Peter Newmark, is an insightful contribution to translation studies which has been applied by many scholars at home and abroad to analyze theoretical and practical problems...
分类:英语论文 - 字数:5554